Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Rainiest Drought

Last week they told us that we wouldn´t have running water for the next three days, and my response was ´´What in the world are we going to do for 3 days without water?´´ After 3 days they came by and told us that the next two weeks would be suffered without running water. Que suerte! Every couple of days we wake up absurdly early to travel to the house of other missionaries, shower, and get back in time to start our day, but it is too expensive to go very often. The good thing is that it has been raining a lot recently. So we filled up a plastic trash can, several empty 3.3L soda bottles, the vegetable tray from the fridge, and a blender pitcher with rain water that runs off our roof. Gotta enjoy the challenges in life, not endure them! We have changes tomorrow, and I am staying here, while my companion moves on to bigger and better areas (With running water). 

Chillin' on the dock with my companion
Our Photos activity didn´t work out quite how we wanted it too. We got everything looking great, and everything ready, only for some intense rain to crash our party. Nobody came... But we are going to attempt it again in two weeks!
 I talked a little bit with Katie at church, but not too much.  (Katie is Colllin’s Grandmas friend from Utah who is in Guatemala leading  a humanitarian trip. Collins Grandma and cousin are going on a humanitarian trip to the same tiny, remote area where he is living in June, which is miraculous as they had their trip planned long before Collin was ever called to Guatemala. They will get to see him at church, drop off a little care package and bring home his photos!) She couldn´t believe who I am. Usually when the white people come to church I don´t know what to talk to them about, so I just let them have their cool foreign language, see that church here is basically the same experience as at home, say hi, and that’s about it.
Coin collection Americas! Every coin is worth about 12 cents US

 It´s going to be hard adjusting back to white culture when I get back. I certainly won´t have to get used to having hot, running water on demand though. Wow this sucks not having running water! My new companion tomorrow is in for a terrible surprise! J Let me know if there is anything here you want me to get and send back with grandma, though I suppose she could probably just get it for you. I don´t think there is anything that I need from there, but I will definitely send the memory card to my camera home with her- that’s a really good Idea! I do have another one here. What day are they coming?

Ciao, Elder Rice

Can you believe I eat like a king among missionaries? You should see what the other missionaries eat regularly.


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