Tuesday, May 13, 2014

1 Year Baby!

I actually have 2 more days before a complete one year in Guatemala, but its close enough. It has been the hardest but most rewarding year in my life and I am excited for the second half.
Skyping with mom on Mothers Day
Not really too much new stuff to report here. Yesterday we went to a cool little nature reserve thing that had a big butterfly dome, spider monkeys, and an extreme zip line course that goes down the whole mountain. We couldn´t go on the zip lines, but the rest was pretty cool. Sadly I didn´t take my camera, so ya’ll just have to imagine it.
Atitlan Nature Reserve- compliments of our good friends at Google images

We had a pretty cool experience on Sunday. A lady that is a member of the church but hasn´t gone in many years lives in our area... (actually there are tons... anyways...) So she never let us talk with her, and didn´t want anything to do with us, but we always go by and say “hi”, and she always tells us to go away. J Anyways, we found out that her birthday was going to be this last Sunday, so after we got home from calling our families (at about 7pm) we went by her house and said “hi”, and she told us the usual, so we told her happy birthday and she told us: “thanks but I´m busy right now, I need to go”, so we just started singing to her anyways the birthday song in Spanish, and she started crying and let us sit down with her and talk a little bit. It was pretty cool.

You all made fun of my newly acquired accent when we talked-sometimes I have a hard time finding the words I want in English. I´ll have to study English before I come home or something!

Andrea’s birthday watermelon cake looked cool. I totally miss a good cake, I want a nice delicious vanilla cake when I get off the plane in one year!

To answer your question: Yeah, they do celebrate Mothers Day here. It’s very similar. We gave flowers to the branch president’s wife and his mom.

It’s winter here which just means that it rains more. The rain here is super cold, pretty much like back home. I got used to the coast rain, which is actually pretty warm, and feels pretty good.

The guy I mentioned, Irvin, accepted to be baptized on the 25th of this month. He studies in school, which makes him 1 of the only people I know here that actually understands what we are talking about. It’s about as exciting for the branch here as it would be for Vernonia to have a baptism. We are very small.

Peace out, Elder Rice

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